My 'grow-op' complete with shelving, lights, heater and fan is producing greenery at an alarming rate. The first thing I do each morning is water 131 seedlings planted in clear plastic party cups. The basil, tomatoes, thyme, marigolds and zinnias are increasing in size daily, whereas the squash and pumpkins are leaping up in hourly increments. We are sure to be picking pumpkins through the air vents upstairs before it is time to plant them out in mid-May. The basil seedlings are about 4" tall as you can see in the paint sketch. I want to try as far as possible to put at least one new painted image on each post (a challenge to myself). I call them my quick-pics, fast little paintings to try and improve my visual interpretation skills while at the same time giving you an accurate portrayal of my surroundings. This is how I intend to keep a watercolour focus while discussing other topics. I guess I’m painting my life for you. You can't separate the artist from the person!